Commercial Plumbers in High Point, NC: What to Consider When Hiring

Welcome to the Bohannon Plumbing blog! Today, we’re discussing a topic vital for business owners and property managers in High Point, NC – hiring the right commercial plumber. When it comes to commercial plumbing, the stakes are high. A minor issue can quickly escalate, impacting your business operations. Here are key aspects to consider when hiring a commercial plumber in High Point:

  1. Licensing and Certification: Ensure the plumber is licensed to work in North Carolina. Licensing signifies that the plumber has met state standards for training and experience. Also, check if they have any additional certifications that may be beneficial for specific tasks.
  2. Experience in Commercial Plumbing: Commercial plumbing is different from residential plumbing in complexity and scale. It’s crucial to hire a plumber with experience in commercial projects. They should be familiar with the types of plumbing systems used in commercial buildings in High Point.
  3. Availability for Emergency Services: Plumbing emergencies can happen anytime and need immediate attention to prevent damage. Check if the plumber offers 24/7 emergency services. The faster a plumber can respond, the better it is for your business.
  4. Understanding of Local Building Codes: Every city has its own set of building codes and regulations. A local plumber from High Point will be familiar with these and ensure that all plumbing work complies with them, preventing legal issues down the line.
  5. Reputation and References: Look for reviews or ask for references. A reputable plumber should have a list of previous commercial clients who can vouch for their quality of work and professionalism.
  6. Insurance: Make sure the plumber is insured. This protects your business from liability in case of accidents or damage during the plumbing work.
  7. Detailed Estimates and Transparent Pricing: A professional plumber should provide a detailed estimate of the work to be done, including labor and material costs. Transparency in pricing helps avoid surprises once the job is completed.
  8. Ongoing Maintenance Services: Regular maintenance is key to preventing major plumbing issues. Check if the plumber offers maintenance services, which can save you money and trouble in the long run.
  9. Adaptability and Problem-Solving Skills: Commercial plumbing can present unique challenges. A skilled plumber should be able to adapt to different situations and find effective solutions.
  10. Customer Service: Good communication and customer service are important. You want a plumber who listens to your concerns, explains the work needed, and keeps you informed throughout the process.

In High Point, the plumbing needs of a commercial entity are as diverse as the businesses themselves. From restaurants dealing with grease traps to corporate buildings with complex restroom facilities, it’s crucial to choose a plumber who can handle the specific requirements of your business. At Bohannon Plumbing, we pride ourselves on meeting these diverse needs with expertise and professionalism. Remember, the right plumber is a valuable asset to your commercial property’s long-term success.

Our Commercial Plumbing Service Areas include:
Thomasville, NC – High Point, NC – Denton, NC – Asheboro, NC – Lexington, NC – Archdale, NC – Sophia, NC – Hillsville, NC

Call (336) 561-1261 or click here to schedule an appointment today

Owner of Bohannon Plumbing, Robert Bohannon

Author: Robert Bohannon
Robert is a licensed plumber with over 40+ years experience in both residential and commercial plumbing projects. Robert is a proud veteran and has enjoyed over 20 years of serving our communities of Thomasville and High Point, NC – all from the same location!

Know Your Plunger

Mastering the Basics: Know Your Plunger in Thomasville Homes

When it comes to household tools, the plunger stands out as a quintessential instrument for addressing minor plumbing hiccups. While many of us have one tucked away in a bathroom or under the kitchen sink, are we truly aware of its variety and proper usage? Bohannon Plumbing is here to plunge deep into this topic and help you get to know your plunger better!

Plungers: More Than Just a Suction Cup

A plunger, at its core, is designed to create suction, helping to dislodge blockages in your pipes. However, not all plungers are created equal, and the design matters depending on the task at hand.

Types of Plungers:

  1. Cup Plunger (Sink Plunger): This is the most common type that people recognize. It has a simple rubber cup-like shape. It’s best for flat surfaces like sinks or bathtubs, ensuring a good seal for maximum suction.
  2. Flange Plunger (Toilet Plunger): This has a flange, or a soft rubber flap, that extends from the bottom of the cup, making it specially designed for toilets. The flange fits snugly into the toilet bowl’s drain, creating a tight seal.
  3. Accordion Plunger: Made entirely of plastic, this plunger has an accordion-like design and is narrower at the bottom. While it’s designed for toilets, its unique design can make it harder to use for some people.

Using Your Plunger Effectively:

  1. Ensure Water Cover: For effective plunging, the plunger’s cup should be submerged. If necessary, add water to the sink or toilet to achieve this.
  2. Seal and Position: Place the plunger directly over the drain, ensuring a good seal. For toilets, the flange should be inside the drain, with the cup fully covering the drain opening.
  3. Push and Pull: With a firm grip, press down on the handle, then pull up forcefully, maintaining the seal. Repeat several times to create a vacuum and dislodge the clog.
  4. Final Flush: Once the clog is cleared, flush the toilet or run water down the drain to ensure everything is flowing smoothly.

Plunger Care and Tips:

  1. Clean After Use: Always rinse your plunger with water after using to remove any residue. For added sanitation, soak it in a mixture of water and bleach.
  2. Store Properly: Allow your plunger to air dry completely before storing to prevent mold growth. It’s best to hang it or store it in a way that the rubber end isn’t compressed.
  3. Have Both Types On Hand: Given the difference in design and purpose, having both a cup and a flange plunger in your home is advisable. They’re cost-effective tools that can save you from calling a plumber for minor blockages.
  4. Safety First: Always wear gloves when using a plunger and wash your hands thoroughly afterward. If you’ve recently used a chemical drain cleaner, be cautious as plunging can splash the caustic solution.

In conclusion, while a plunger may seem like a basic tool, knowing its types and proper usage can be the difference between a quick fix and a prolonged plumbing problem. And for those stubborn clogs that resist even the most determined plunging, remember that Bohannon Plumbing in Thomasville is always here to help. Your home’s smooth operation is our priority!

In conclusion, your drains are an integral part of your home’s plumbing system and deserve respect and proper care. A little mindfulness goes a long way in maintaining smooth-running drains and avoiding unnecessary headaches. And remember, whenever you’re in doubt or face plumbing challenges, Bohannon Plumbing in Thomasville is just a call away. Our mission is to ensure every home in our community enjoys hassle-free plumbing!

Click here to learn about the Top 10 Plumbing Tips Every Thomasville Homeowner Should Know.

Our Plumbing Service Areas include:
Thomasville, NC – High Point, NC – Denton, NC – Asheboro, NC – Lexington, NC – Archdale, NC – Sophia, NC – Hillsville, NC

Call (336) 561-1261 or click here to schedule an appointment today

Owner of Bohannon Plumbing, Robert Bohannon

Author: Robert Bohannon
Robert is a licensed plumber with over 40+ years experience in both residential and commercial plumbing projects. Robert is a proud veteran and has enjoyed over 20 years of serving our communities of Thomasville and High Point, NC – all from the same location!

Be Gentle with Your Drains

Down the Drain with Care: Protecting the Pipes of Thomasville Homes

We often treat our drains as magical portals where unwanted things disappear with a swirl. However, mishandling or misuse can lead to blockages, costly repairs, and a disruption in our daily lives. Bohannon Plumbing is here to remind you of the importance of treating your drains gently and provide some tips on proper drain care.

Understanding Your Drains:

Drains are the gateway from our homes to the sewage system or septic tanks. They are designed primarily to handle water, and while they can manage some additional materials, they have their limits.

Why Gentle Care is Crucial:

  1. Preventing Clogs: Improper items down the drain can lead to stubborn blockages.
  2. Preserving Plumbing: Over time, mistreatment can wear out or damage your plumbing system.
  3. Environmental Impact: Many things improperly sent down the drain can end up polluting our water sources.

Tips for Gentle Drain Care:

  1. Watch What You Pour: Fats, oils, and grease solidify upon cooling and can create significant blockages. Instead of pouring them down the sink, collect them in a container and dispose of in the trash.
  2. Food Scraps Belong in the Trash: Even with a garbage disposal, many food items can be problematic for your drains. Coffee grounds, eggshells, and starchy foods should be thrown away or composted.
  3. Use Strainers: Installing strainers in your sinks can catch hair, soap scum, and other debris, preventing them from going down the drain.
  4. Limit Chemical Cleaners: While they promise to unclog drains, chemical drain cleaners can corrode pipes and are harmful to the environment. Opt for natural solutions, like baking soda and vinegar, or call a professional for persistent clogs.
  5. Flush Only the Essentials: Your toilet is not a trash can. Apart from human waste and toilet paper, most items don’t belong in the toilet. Avoid flushing wipes (even those labeled as “flushable”), cotton balls, feminine hygiene products, or any other foreign items.
  6. Educate the Young Ones: Children can be curious, often trying to flush toys or other objects down the toilet. Educate them on proper toilet usage.
  7. Regularly Clean Drain Stoppers: Bathroom sinks and tubs often have stoppers that can collect hair and debris. Clean them regularly to ensure smooth drainage.

Seeking Assistance for Drains:

  1. Natural Cleaning Routine: Every month, pour a cup of white vinegar down the drain, letting it sit for 30 minutes. Follow it up with boiling water to keep drains clean and clear.
  2. Know the Signs: Slow draining water, frequent clogs, or foul smells indicate drain issues that may require professional attention.
  3. Professional Cleaning: Consider having your drains professionally cleaned periodically to clear out any stubborn buildup or potential blockages.

In conclusion, your drains are an integral part of your home’s plumbing system and deserve respect and proper care. A little mindfulness goes a long way in maintaining smooth-running drains and avoiding unnecessary headaches. And remember, whenever you’re in doubt or face plumbing challenges, Bohannon Plumbing in Thomasville is just a call away. Our mission is to ensure every home in our community enjoys hassle-free plumbing!

Click here to learn about the Top 10 Plumbing Tips Every Thomasville Homeowner Should Know.

Our Plumbing Service Areas include:
Thomasville, NC – High Point, NC – Denton, NC – Asheboro, NC – Lexington, NC – Archdale, NC – Sophia, NC – Hillsville, NC

Call (336) 561-1261 or click here to schedule an appointment today

Owner of Bohannon Plumbing, Robert Bohannon

Author: Robert Bohannon
Robert is a licensed plumber with over 40+ years experience in both residential and commercial plumbing projects. Robert is a proud veteran and has enjoyed over 20 years of serving our communities of Thomasville and High Point, NC – all from the same location!

Garbage Disposal Care in Thomasville, NC

Grinding to Perfection: Garbage Disposal Care for Thomasville Homes

The convenience of a garbage disposal in our kitchen sinks is undeniable, whisking away food scraps with just a flick of a switch. But like all appliances, it requires proper care and maintenance to ensure smooth operation and a long lifespan. Bohannon Plumbing is here to provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to take care of this powerful kitchen helper.

Understanding Your Garbage Disposal:

Garbage disposals are electrically-powered devices installed under kitchen sinks, designed to grind up food scraps so they can be washed down the drain. They are equipped with sharp impellers that break down the waste, ensuring minimal risk of drain clogs.

Why Proper Care is Essential:

  1. Avoiding Clogs: Incorrect use can lead to drain blockages, requiring professional intervention.
  2. Maximizing Lifespan: Proper care can extend the life of your disposal unit.
  3. Efficient Performance: Regular maintenance ensures optimal grinding capabilities.

Garbage Disposal Care Tips:

  1. Run Regularly: Even if you don’t have anything to grind, turn on your disposal every few days. Regular use prevents rust and buildup, ensuring smooth operation.
  2. Cold Water is Key: Always run cold water when using the disposal. Cold water solidifies any fats or oils, allowing the disposal to grind and flush them away more efficiently.
  3. Feed Slowly: Avoid overloading the disposal. Feed food scraps in gradually to prevent jams and undue strain on the motor.
  4. Avoid Hard or Fibrous Foods: Items such as bones, fruit pits, corn husks, or fibrous vegetables can strain or jam the disposal. When in doubt, opt to compost or throw it in the trash.
  5. Steer Clear of Non-food Items: Never put non-biodegradable items, like plastic, metal, or glass, into the disposal.
  6. Freshen Up: Over time, the disposal can develop odors. Freshen it by grinding citrus peels or by freezing a mix of water and vinegar into cubes and grinding them in the disposal.
  7. Clean Regularly: Once a week, with the unit turned off and unplugged, use a brush or cloth to clean the inner side of the rubber in the sink leading to the disposal. This prevents bacterial buildup.
  8. Sharp Blades, Happy Disposal: Occasionally grind small, hard materials like eggshells or small chicken bones. These can help scour the disposal’s walls, keeping the blades sharp.

What to Do When Issues Arise:

  1. Jams: If the disposal gets jammed, turn it off and unplug it. Use a flashlight to locate the obstruction. Use tongs or pliers (never your hands) to remove the offending item.
  2. Reset Button: If your disposal stops working, try pressing the reset button, typically located at the bottom of the unit.
  3. Professional Help: Persistent problems or unfamiliar sounds from the unit warrant a call to a professional. Remember, safety first!

In summary, your garbage disposal is a trusty kitchen ally that deserves regular care and attention. A little effort goes a long way in ensuring its optimal performance. For further guidance, questions, or plumbing needs, remember that Bohannon Plumbing in Thomasville is always ready to assist. Keeping Thomasville’s homes running smoothly is our utmost priority!

In conclusion, your drains are an integral part of your home’s plumbing system and deserve respect and proper care. A little mindfulness goes a long way in maintaining smooth-running drains and avoiding unnecessary headaches. And remember, whenever you’re in doubt or face plumbing challenges, Bohannon Plumbing in Thomasville is just a call away. Our mission is to ensure every home in our community enjoys hassle-free plumbing!

Click here to learn about the Top 10 Plumbing Tips Every Thomasville Homeowner Should Know.

Our Plumbing Service Areas include:
Thomasville, NC – High Point, NC – Denton, NC – Asheboro, NC – Lexington, NC – Archdale, NC – Sophia, NC – Hillsville, NC

Call (336) 561-1261 or click here to schedule an appointment today

Owner of Bohannon Plumbing, Robert Bohannon

Author: Robert Bohannon
Robert is a licensed plumber with over 40+ years experience in both residential and commercial plumbing projects. Robert is a proud veteran and has enjoyed over 20 years of serving our communities of Thomasville and High Point, NC – all from the same location!

Water Heater Maintenance

Warming Up to the Basics: Water Heater Maintenance for Thomasville Homes

As colder seasons approach or simply for the daily comfort of a hot shower, the reliability of our water heaters becomes undeniable. But how often do we pause and consider the maintenance needs of this vital home appliance? Bohannon Plumbing is here to guide you through the essential steps and tips for optimal water heater performance.

The Role of the Water Heater:

Your water heater is responsible for supplying hot water to various fixtures and appliances throughout your home, from showers to washing machines. Most Thomasville homes either use a tank-based water heater, which stores and heats water in a large tank, or a tankless version that heats water on demand.

The Importance of Regular Maintenance:

  1. Extended Lifespan: Properly maintained water heaters can last significantly longer, ensuring you get the most out of your investment.
  2. Efficiency Boost: Regular maintenance can prevent mineral buildup, which can reduce your heater’s efficiency and increase energy costs.
  3. Safety Measures: Faulty water heaters can be potential safety hazards. Regular checks can help prevent issues like gas leaks or excessive pressure build-up.

Maintenance Tips and Steps:

  1. Regular Inspections: At least once a year, take a look at your water heater for any signs of wear, corrosion, or leakage.
  2. Temperature Settings: For both safety and energy conservation, it’s recommended to set your water heater’s thermostat to 120°F (49°C). This reduces the risk of scalding and can save on energy bills.
  3. Drain and Flush: Sediment and mineral buildup can reduce efficiency and damage your heater. At least once a year, drain a few gallons from the tank into a bucket until the water runs clear. If it’s murky, consider draining the entire tank and flushing with fresh water.
  4. Pressure Relief Valve Check: This valve releases extra pressure from the heater. To test, turn off the power and cold water supply, then place a bucket under the valve. Lift the valve’s lever and let it snap back. You should hear a gush of water into the bucket. If not, a new valve is needed.
  5. Insulate Older Units: Wrapping an older water heater tank in an insulating blanket can improve its heating efficiency.
  6. For Tankless Units: Regularly clean the filter and consider descaling, especially if you have hard water in Thomasville. Descaling involves circulating a solution through the unit to remove mineral buildup.
  7. Anode Rod Inspection: This rod attracts corrosive elements, thereby protecting your tank and extending its life. Check it annually and replace if more than 6 inches of the core steel wire is exposed.

When to Call a Professional:

While basic maintenance can be a DIY task, certain signs warrant professional intervention:

  • No hot water or inconsistent temperatures.
  • Popping or rumbling sounds from the tank.
  • Murky or discolored water.
  • Distinct metallic taste or smell in the water.

In such cases, or if you’re simply uncomfortable performing these tasks, always call in a plumbing expert.

To wrap it up, your water heater’s efficiency and longevity greatly depend on regular care and timely intervention. And as always, for any plumbing concerns or questions on water heater maintenance in Thomasville, Bohannon Plumbing is here to assist. We believe in empowering homeowners with the right knowledge and top-notch service!

In conclusion, your drains are an integral part of your home’s plumbing system and deserve respect and proper care. A little mindfulness goes a long way in maintaining smooth-running drains and avoiding unnecessary headaches. And remember, whenever you’re in doubt or face plumbing challenges, Bohannon Plumbing in Thomasville is just a call away. Our mission is to ensure every home in our community enjoys hassle-free plumbing!

Click here to learn about the Top 10 Plumbing Tips Every Thomasville Homeowner Should Know.

Our Plumbing Service Areas include:
Thomasville, NC – High Point, NC – Denton, NC – Asheboro, NC – Lexington, NC – Archdale, NC – Sophia, NC – Hillsville, NC

Call (336) 561-1261 or click here to schedule an appointment today

Owner of Bohannon Plumbing, Robert Bohannon

Author: Robert Bohannon
Robert is a licensed plumber with over 40+ years experience in both residential and commercial plumbing projects. Robert is a proud veteran and has enjoyed over 20 years of serving our communities of Thomasville and High Point, NC – all from the same location!

Regular Plumbing Inspections in Thomasville

Staying Ahead of the Curve: The Importance of Regular Plumbing Inspections for Thomasville Homes

Greetings, Thomasville homeowners! We often pay attention to our plumbing only when a problem arises, be it a pesky leak, a stubborn clog, or a malfunctioning appliance. However, Bohannon Plumbing is here to stress the significance of regular plumbing inspections. Being proactive can save you time, money, and the inconvenience of major plumbing disasters down the road.

Understanding Plumbing Inspections:

A plumbing inspection is a comprehensive check-up of your home’s entire plumbing system. This involves assessing faucets, pipes, drains, sewer lines, appliances, and any other components that are part of the system. Think of it like a medical check-up, but for your home’s waterworks!

Why Regular Inspections are Vital:

  1. Detecting Issues Early: Small issues, when ignored, can become bigger (and more expensive) problems. Regular inspections can identify these early on.
  2. Increasing Efficiency: A well-maintained plumbing system runs more efficiently, potentially saving you money on your water bill.
  3. Extending Lifespan: Addressing wear and tear in a timely manner can extend the life of your plumbing fixtures and appliances.
  4. Preserving Home Value: A house with a well-maintained plumbing system will likely have a higher market value compared to one with recurrent plumbing issues.
  5. Preventing Disasters: Avoid the nightmares of burst pipes, severe leaks, or sewage backups with preventative inspections.

What Does an Inspection Entail?

  1. Checking Faucets & Fixtures: Inspectors look for leaks, corrosion, or any other signs of distress.
  2. Assessing Drains: This includes checking for clogs or slow drainage, which could indicate blockages further down the system.
  3. Inspecting Toilets: They ensure toilets flush properly and look for any signs of leaks or inefficiency.
  4. Appliance Check-Up: Appliances that use water, like dishwashers and washing machines, are assessed for proper connections and potential leaks.
  5. Water Heater Examination: Inspectors will check for corrosion, leaks, and ensure that the heater is functioning at its optimal capacity.
  6. Piping System Assessment: They’ll inspect exposed pipes for signs of wear, rust, or any other potential issues. This may also involve checking pipes in hard-to-reach places using specialized cameras.
  7. Sewer Line Evaluation: To prevent unpleasant surprises, inspectors may use cameras to assess the health of sewer lines, ensuring there are no blockages or major damages.

When and How Often?

  1. New Home Purchase: Always get an inspection when buying a new home. It can reveal hidden issues and provide a negotiation point during the sale.
  2. Regular Checks: For most homes, a biennial (every two years) inspection is advisable. However, older homes or those with a history of plumbing issues might benefit from annual check-ups.
  3. Post Renovation: If you’ve had major home renovations, especially ones that might have affected the plumbing, get an inspection to ensure everything is in order.

In summation, while plumbing inspections might seem like an additional chore, their benefits vastly outweigh the slight inconvenience and cost. Think of them as an insurance policy against future plumbing calamities. As always, Bohannon Plumbing in Thomasville is here to assist, ensuring that every tap, drain, and pipe in your home is in top-notch condition. Our goal is your peace of mind and a well-functioning home!

In conclusion, your drains are an integral part of your home’s plumbing system and deserve respect and proper care. A little mindfulness goes a long way in maintaining smooth-running drains and avoiding unnecessary headaches. And remember, whenever you’re in doubt or face plumbing challenges, Bohannon Plumbing in Thomasville is just a call away. Our mission is to ensure every home in our community enjoys hassle-free plumbing!

Click here to learn about the Top 10 Plumbing Tips Every Thomasville Homeowner Should Know.

Our Plumbing Service Areas include:
Thomasville, NC – High Point, NC – Denton, NC – Asheboro, NC – Lexington, NC – Archdale, NC – Sophia, NC – Hillsville, NC

Call (336) 561-1261 or click here to schedule an appointment today

Owner of Bohannon Plumbing, Robert Bohannon

Author: Robert Bohannon
Robert is a licensed plumber with over 40+ years experience in both residential and commercial plumbing projects. Robert is a proud veteran and has enjoyed over 20 years of serving our communities of Thomasville and High Point, NC – all from the same location!

Regularly Check Faucets & Hoses

Vigilance with Valves: The Importance of Regularly Checking Faucets & Hoses in Thomasville Homes

Hey there, Thomasville homeowners! Among the many plumbing features in our homes, faucets and hoses often play roles we take for granted. These everyday utilities, when left unchecked, can become sources of wastage or, worse, major home damage. Bohannon Plumbing is here to shed some light on the importance of routinely checking your faucets and hoses, ensuring a smooth-running household.

The Role of Faucets & Hoses:

Faucets are our primary access points to the household water supply, whether in the kitchen, bathroom, or utility room. They control water flow and should offer a steady, leak-free experience.

Hoses, like those connected to washing machines, dishwashers, or outdoor spigots, provide specialized water delivery. Given their flexible nature, they are more susceptible to wear and tear than solid piping.

Why Regular Checks Are Essential:

  1. Prevent Water Wastage: Even a tiny faucet drip can result in gallons of wasted water over time. This is not only environmentally unsound but can also hike up your water bill.
  2. Avoiding Catastrophes: A burst hose, especially in appliances like washing machines, can cause significant water damage to your home, leading to expensive repairs and replacements.
  3. Extending Appliance Lifespan: Well-maintained hoses ensure that appliances work efficiently, potentially extending their service life.

How to Conduct Checks:

  1. Visual Inspection: Regularly examine faucets for signs of corrosion, mineral deposits, or visible leaks. Hoses should be checked for kinks, bulges, cracks, or signs of wear.
  2. Functionality Test: Turn faucets on and off, ensuring they operate smoothly and don’t drip when closed. For hoses, make sure they’re securely connected, and water flows without interruption or leakage.
  3. Listen for Drips: Sometimes, small leaks can be heard rather than seen. In quiet moments, listen for the telltale sign of dripping water.
  4. Regularly Replace Supply Hoses: Rubber hoses, often found on washing machines, have a lifespan of around 5-7 years. Consider upgrading to braided stainless steel hoses, which tend to last longer and are less prone to bursts.
  5. Outdoor Faucet Care: Ensure outdoor spigots are turned off and drained before winter to prevent freezing and potential bursts.
  6. Address Issues Promptly: At the first sign of a malfunctioning faucet or a compromised hose, take action. This might mean a simple washer replacement or hose reattachment, but occasionally, professional intervention might be required.

Seeking Expert Advice:

While many minor faucet and hose issues can be a DIY project, don’t hesitate to call in experts for more complicated matters or if you’re unsure about a situation. Delaying necessary repairs can often lead to more significant problems down the road.

In conclusion, your home’s faucets and hoses are gatekeepers to your water supply and play an integral role in daily life. Regular checks and maintenance are small investments of time that can save you from more significant issues in the future. For any questions, tips, or plumbing services, remember that Bohannon Plumbing in Thomasville is just a call away. We’re committed to helping our community maintain their homes efficiently and effectively!

In conclusion, your drains are an integral part of your home’s plumbing system and deserve respect and proper care. A little mindfulness goes a long way in maintaining smooth-running drains and avoiding unnecessary headaches. And remember, whenever you’re in doubt or face plumbing challenges, Bohannon Plumbing in Thomasville is just a call away. Our mission is to ensure every home in our community enjoys hassle-free plumbing!

Click here to learn about the Top 10 Plumbing Tips Every Thomasville Homeowner Should Know.

Our Plumbing Service Areas include:
Thomasville, NC – High Point, NC – Denton, NC – Asheboro, NC – Lexington, NC – Archdale, NC – Sophia, NC – Hillsville, NC

Call (336) 561-1261 or click here to schedule an appointment today

Owner of Bohannon Plumbing, Robert Bohannon

Author: Robert Bohannon
Robert is a licensed plumber with over 40+ years experience in both residential and commercial plumbing projects. Robert is a proud veteran and has enjoyed over 20 years of serving our communities of Thomasville and High Point, NC – all from the same location!

Clogged toilet?

Toilet TLC: Ensuring Proper Care for One of the Most Essential Home Fixtures

Hello, Thomasville homeowners! Let’s talk about a household fixture that is frequently used but often overlooked in terms of maintenance: the toilet. Proper care ensures its longevity, reduces the risk of plumbing issues, and even saves you money in the long run. With that in mind, Bohannon Plumbing brings you a detailed guide to optimal toilet care.

Understanding Your Toilet:

Before diving into care, it’s essential to have a basic understanding of your toilet’s components:

  1. Tank: This holds the water that will flush the bowl’s contents down the drain.
  2. Bowl: The part where waste is deposited.
  3. Flush mechanism: Usually a handle or button that activates the flush.
  4. Flapper: A rubber component that lifts to release tank water during a flush, then seals again to refill the tank.
  5. Overflow tube: Ensures water doesn’t overflow from the tank.

Toilet Care Tips:

  1. Be Mindful of What You Flush: The only things meant for your toilet are human waste and toilet paper. Flushing items like wipes (even if labeled ‘flushable’), cotton swabs, feminine hygiene products, or floss can lead to clogs.
  2. Regularly Clean the Toilet: At least once a week, clean the bowl with a mild cleaner and toilet brush. This prevents mineral and bacterial buildup. Avoid using harsh chemicals, which can damage the porcelain and internal components.
  3. Inspect for Leaks: Periodically, check the base of the toilet for any water. If you notice any moisture, this could indicate a leak, which needs addressing.
  4. Test the Flapper: A faulty flapper can cause your toilet to run constantly, wasting water. To test, drop a few drops of food coloring into the tank. Wait an hour without flushing. If you see color in the bowl after this time, the flapper isn’t sealing correctly and may need replacement.
  5. Handle with Care: The flush handle can become loose over time. If it’s not operating smoothly, check inside the tank to ensure the chain or strap connected to the flapper isn’t tangled or broken.
  6. Avoid Over-the-Tank Fresheners: Drop-in tank fresheners might seem like a good way to keep your toilet smelling fresh, but they often break down and can clog the flush system’s parts.
  7. Keep the Lid Closed: This is more about hygiene. Closing the lid before flushing can prevent the spread of germs and particles into the bathroom.

What to Do When Issues Arise:

  1. Clogs: For minor clogs, a plunger is your best friend. Ensure you have a good seal and use a forceful up-and-down motion. If clogs are frequent or severe, it might be time to call in a plumber.
  2. Running Toilet: If your toilet doesn’t stop running after a flush, check the flapper and the chain inside the tank. They might need adjustment or replacement.
  3. Professional Help: For persistent problems or if you’re unsure about a toilet issue, it’s always best to consult with a plumbing expert.

Proper toilet care might seem trivial, but it can save you from significant inconveniences and costly repairs down the road. For any questions, concerns, or plumbing needs, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Bohannon Plumbing, your trusted local experts in Thomasville. Your toilet’s health is our priority!

In conclusion, your drains are an integral part of your home’s plumbing system and deserve respect and proper care. A little mindfulness goes a long way in maintaining smooth-running drains and avoiding unnecessary headaches. And remember, whenever you’re in doubt or face plumbing challenges, Bohannon Plumbing in Thomasville is just a call away. Our mission is to ensure every home in our community enjoys hassle-free plumbing!

Click here to learn about the Top 10 Plumbing Tips Every Thomasville Homeowner Should Know.

Our Plumbing Service Areas include:
Thomasville, NC – High Point, NC – Denton, NC – Asheboro, NC – Lexington, NC – Archdale, NC – Sophia, NC – Hillsville, NC

Call (336) 561-1261 or click here to schedule an appointment today

Owner of Bohannon Plumbing, Robert Bohannon

Author: Robert Bohannon
Robert is a licensed plumber with over 40+ years experience in both residential and commercial plumbing projects. Robert is a proud veteran and has enjoyed over 20 years of serving our communities of Thomasville and High Point, NC – all from the same location!

Winterize your pipes for winter

 Guarding Against the Chill: Protecting Your Pipes in Winter for Thomasville Homeowners

Greetings, Thomasville community! Winters, even in North Carolina, can be unpredictable. While we might not face the severe snowstorms that our northern neighbors do, the cold can still pack a punch, especially for your home’s plumbing. At Bohannon Plumbing, we believe prevention is key. Here’s a comprehensive guide to ensuring your pipes stay intact and problem-free during the colder months.

Why Is Winter a Concern for Your Pipes?

The primary threat of winter is the freezing of water within your pipes. When water freezes, it expands. This expansion puts immense pressure on the confines of the pipes, leading to the potential for bursts. A burst pipe can result in extensive water damage, expensive repairs, and a major headache for homeowners.

Steps to Protect Your Pipes in Winter:

  • Insulate Exposed Pipes: Any pipes in unheated areas, like basements, garages, crawl spaces, or even those on the exterior walls, should be insulated. Pipe insulation can be purchased from local hardware stores and is easy to install.
  • Seal Drafts: Check around your home for any areas where cold air might be seeping in, like gaps around windows, doors, or crawl spaces. Use caulk or weather stripping to seal these areas, keeping the cold out and the warmth in.
  • Let Faucets Drip: On particularly cold nights, allow faucets to drip slightly. This keeps water moving, making it harder to freeze. This is especially crucial for faucets connected to pipes that run through unheated or exposed areas.
  • Open Cabinet Doors: In kitchens and bathrooms, keep cabinet doors open during cold spells. This allows warmer room air to circulate around the pipes.
  • Disconnect Garden Hoses: Before the first freeze, disconnect and drain garden hoses. If possible, shut off the water to outdoor faucets and leave them open to drain.
  • Know Where Your Main Water Shutoff Is: In case of a pipe burst, you’ll want to act fast. Knowing where your main water shutoff valve is will allow you to turn off the water quickly, minimizing damage.
  • Maintain a Steady Thermostat: While it’s tempting to turn down the thermostat when you’re away or sleeping, keeping your home at a consistent temperature can prevent sudden drops that might freeze pipes.
  • Have a Plan for Travel: If you’re leaving your Thomasville home for an extended period during the winter, don’t turn the heat off entirely. Set the thermostat to at least 55°F (13°C) to ensure your home remains warm enough to prevent freezing.

What to Do if a Pipe Freezes:

  • Turn Off the Water: First and foremost, turn off the main water supply.
  • Apply Heat: Use a hairdryer, heat lamp, or portable space heater to gently warm the frozen section of the pipe. Do not use an open flame.
  • Call a Professional: If you’re unable to thaw the pipe or if it bursts, contact a plumber immediately.

Protecting your pipes from winter’s chill is more about preparation than reaction. With these proactive measures, you can ensure your Thomasville home remains free from the threat of frozen or burst pipes. If you ever have concerns or need advice on winterizing your plumbing system, reach out to us at Bohannon Plumbing. We’re always here to support our Thomasville neighbors!

In conclusion, your drains are an integral part of your home’s plumbing system and deserve respect and proper care. A little mindfulness goes a long way in maintaining smooth-running drains and avoiding unnecessary headaches. And remember, whenever you’re in doubt or face plumbing challenges, Bohannon Plumbing in Thomasville is just a call away. Our mission is to ensure every home in our community enjoys hassle-free plumbing!

Click here to learn about the Top 10 Plumbing Tips Every Thomasville Homeowner Should Know.

Our Plumbing Service Areas include:
Thomasville, NC – High Point, NC – Denton, NC – Asheboro, NC – Lexington, NC – Archdale, NC – Sophia, NC – Hillsville, NC

Call (336) 561-1261 or click here to schedule an appointment today

Owner of Bohannon Plumbing, Robert Bohannon

Author: Robert Bohannon
Robert is a licensed plumber with over 40+ years experience in both residential and commercial plumbing projects. Robert is a proud veteran and has enjoyed over 20 years of serving our communities of Thomasville and High Point, NC – all from the same location!

Avoid Clogged Drains

Steering Clear of Clogs: Why Fats, Oils, and Grease Are a Drain’s Worst Enemy

Hello, dear Thomasville homeowners! If there’s one piece of advice we at Bohannon Plumbing give most frequently, it’s this: protect your drains from fats, oils, and grease (often referred to as ‘FOG’). While it might be tempting to pour that bacon grease or leftover frying oil down the sink after cooking, it’s a move that can lead to hefty plumbing bills and headaches. Let’s delve into why FOG is so damaging and what you can do to prevent clogs.

Understanding FOG:

Fats are solid at room temperature and include things like butter, lard, and the fatty trimmings from meats.
Oils are typically liquid at room temperature, like vegetable oil, olive oil, and canola oil.
Grease usually refers to rendered animal fat that’s been used in cooking, such as bacon grease.

When FOG goes down the drain, it might seem harmless. However, as these substances cool and come into contact with other materials in the drain, they solidify and stick to the pipes’ walls.

The Domino Effect of Clogs:

  1. Pipe Narrowing: Over time, FOG builds up layer upon layer, narrowing the effective diameter of the pipe. This makes it easier for other debris, like food particles or hair, to get caught and start forming a clog.
  2. Major Blockages: As FOG continues to accumulate, it can create large blockages that prevent water from flowing entirely. This can lead to slow-draining sinks, gurgling noises, and even backups.
  3. Expensive Repairs: Major blockages can result in the need for professional drain cleaning services. In extreme cases, pipes may need replacement if they become too clogged or damaged.

Preventing FOG-Related Issues:

  1. Cool and Collect: After cooking, allow the FOG to cool slightly, then pour it into a container like an old coffee can or jar. Once full, seal the container and dispose of it in the trash.
  2. Wipe Before Washing: Before washing pots, pans, or dishes with greasy residues, wipe them with a paper towel to remove as much grease as possible.
  3. Use a Strainer: Place mesh strainers over your sink drains. These will catch food particles that could mix with FOG and accelerate clogs.
  4. Educate the Household: Make sure everyone in the house understands the importance of not pouring FOG down the drain.
  5. Safe Disposal Options: Some communities or local organizations offer recycling programs for used cooking oil, turning it into biodiesel or other products. Check to see if there’s such an initiative in Thomasville.

In conclusion, the dangers of FOG to your plumbing system cannot be overstated. With a bit of caution and routine kitchen habits, you can ensure your drains remain free-flowing and clear. If you ever suspect a FOG-related clog or need advice on maintaining your home’s plumbing, don’t hesitate to contact us at Bohannon Plumbing in Thomasville. We’re here to help!

In conclusion, your drains are an integral part of your home’s plumbing system and deserve respect and proper care. A little mindfulness goes a long way in maintaining smooth-running drains and avoiding unnecessary headaches. And remember, whenever you’re in doubt or face plumbing challenges, Bohannon Plumbing in Thomasville is just a call away. Our mission is to ensure every home in our community enjoys hassle-free plumbing!

Click here to learn about the Top 10 Plumbing Tips Every Thomasville Homeowner Should Know.

Our Plumbing Service Areas include:
Thomasville, NC – High Point, NC – Denton, NC – Asheboro, NC – Lexington, NC – Archdale, NC – Sophia, NC – Hillsville, NC

Call (336) 561-1261 or click here to schedule an appointment today

Owner of Bohannon Plumbing, Robert Bohannon

Author: Robert Bohannon
Robert is a licensed plumber with over 40+ years experience in both residential and commercial plumbing projects. Robert is a proud veteran and has enjoyed over 20 years of serving our communities of Thomasville and High Point, NC – all from the same location!

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